Facilitating Success Through Technology, Creativity, and Strategy

Sharing expertise and encouraging development in the fields of IT operations, web development, and online advertising.


Hi, I'm Deorabbin Jibe Asuncion 👋

Adept at navigating the complex terrain of technological and strategic considerations. My career path has taken me from sales and customer service to education and information technology. At EhrlichPH, I'm putting my experience in operations management to use by leading teams to successfully meet and even exceed our clients' expectations.

Outside of work, I enjoy exploring new areas, such as web development and digital marketing, and I am a lifelong gamer.

In the future, I hope to use video and blog posts to teach others and create a supportive environment for personal development.

portrait of a male character

Skills and Tools

Management and Soft Skills

  • Project Management

    With a focus on Agile methodologies, particularly Scrum, I ensure projects are executed efficiently, adaptively, and meet quality standards.

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From the blog

Preparing my blog for you to enjoy. Stay tuned!

random pics for now
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How Self-Study Can Help You Advance in Your Career

Explore the power of self-study in advancing your career, and learn how self-directed learning offers flexibility, personalization, and motivation. Find out about popular online resources and learning platforms, tips for staying disciplined, and ways to showcase your self-taught skills to potential employers.

Get in touch

Whether you're interested in collaboration, have questions about my work, or just want to say hello, I'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Baguio City
Benguet, PH 2600